General Health
Allergies come from pressure on the nerves that innervate the lungs as well as from dysfunction in the mechanics of rib movement. Adjusting these areas relieves pressure and helps breathing.
Arthritis comes from inflammation within the joints. We have techniques that can help relieve the pain and pressure of arthritis.
Asthma comes from pressure on the nerves that innervate the lungs as well as from dysfunction in the mechanics of rib movement, adjusting these areas relives pressure and helps breathing.
Auto Injuries
Even small accidents transfer large amounts of force into your muscles, ligaments and tendons causing damage. Without rehabilitation it will lead to chronic problems in the future.
We have helped many children with this problem. When the nerves leading to the bladder are inhibited the child has control during the day, but will lose the necessary signals to wake them at night. Adjustments remove this pressure.
Blood Pressure Problems
Studies have shown that chiropractic helps to decrease blood pressure.
Digestive Disorders
If the messages that communicate with the digestive system are blocked or interfered, your organs will not function or heal properly.
Fatigue / Lack of Energy
If our body is running with less than optimum nerve flow it will lead to fatigue, loss of sleep and lack of energy. Over time this will usually lead to increased body pain that further exacerbates the condition.
Female Disorders
Surges of hormones can cause muscular contraction leading to further pressure on the spine, nerve system and pelvis. Chiropractic treatment works extremely well with all of these conditions.
Frequent Colds
As most people know, stress decreases the body's ability to heal and fight sickness and disease. The more stress that is in our nerve system the more our body's immune system is decreased.
Joint Pains
These joints can be shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and ankles. Treatment for joint disorders can include manual therapy, extremity adjustments, exercises and nutritional supplements.
Lifting Injuries
Lifting injuries can occur from bending or twisting with little or no weight, or result from over lifting. Patients with both types of injuries respond well to chiropractic.
Lowered Resistance
Chiropractic adjustments can improve lowered resistance (lowered immune function) by increasing the communication between your brain and your entire body! With the increase in communication your body can intelligently heal itself.
Pinched Nerve
This is usually caused by the presence of a hard bone pressing on a soft nerve creating a dysfunction of the nerve and all organs, cells, and tissue innervated by that nerve.
Poor Circulation
The Central Nervous system plays several roles in regulating circulation. The top vertebra in the spine has arteries running directly through it and regulates blood to the head. Your mid back controls general circulation to the body and would be the first area of the spine to address in a person with poor circulation.
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Most females believe that this is a normal condition. PMS is actually NOT normal! In this office we have people who structure their adjustments in direct relation to this time of the month to help with the pain and pressure that can be experienced with this syndrome.
Shingles is an infection of a nerve and the area of skin that is supplied by it, usually causing face pain or chest pain. Relieving the pressure on the nerve can alleviate these symptoms.
Tingling and Numbness
These are classic symptoms of pressure on a nerve. Our job is to find the cause of the pressure on the nerve and remove the problem.
Head, Neck and Mind
A.D.D. - Attention Deficit Disorder
When there is pressure on multiple parts of the nerve system it causes a tremendous amount of stress to the body and affects (both children and adults) ability to concentrate. We help remove interference to the nerve system.
Can be caused by misalignment of the first vertebrae know as the atlas. Removing this misalignment and strengthening the posterior neck muscles can help relieve the symptoms of dizziness/vertigo.
Ear Infections
Frequently found in children most commonly due to nerve pressure leading to the inner ear. Most parents realize that antibiotics are not the answer after numerous rounds with no permanent improvement. This is a very common condition we see in our office with great results.
Frequent Ear Infections
Migraine Headaches
One of the most commonly treated complaints in chiropractic offices is headache.
Neck Pain / Stiffness
Pain in the neck can be due to injury, a mechanical or muscular problem, or a trapped nerve caused by misaligned vertebrae in the spine.
The first place to look to help nervousness is the top bone in the neck. The sympathetic nervous system is present at this level. Pressure from the hard bone on the soft nervous system can cause stress to the entire body leading to nervousness/anxiety.
Is a very common problem in Minnesota and is treated a few different ways in the office, make an appointment and see if our chiropractic technique can help you.
Stress / Tension Headaches
While there are many types of headaches with varying causes, the most common type is the Muscular-Tension Headache. It is caused by tight muscles putting pressure on your nerves. Tension Headaches respond favorably to chiropractic adjustments.
Whiplash Injuries
Chiropractic care provides significant, ongoing relief for whiplash. Whiplash is defined as an injury to the cervical spine caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, backward or forward. This occurs from rear on-set automobile accidents and amusement rides or the result of falls, accidents and sporting activities.
Upper Body
Arm Pain / Numbness
When the nerves get compressed in the upper back region it can cause pain/numbness/tingling into the arms and hands.
Back Pain
Chiropractic has long been known as the best and most cost effective way to treat back pain. We have numerous lines of treatment for each individual situation.
There are numerous causes for the inflammation of the bursa (the sac within the shoulder joint). Alignment of the shoulder joint, muscles and bones decreases the inflammation.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
This syndrome is usually a combination of nerve pressure at multiple sites. These sites include upper back as well as multiple muscles groups leading to pain/numbness/weakness and tingling.
Disc Problems
When spinal vertebrae are tilted or out of alignment it puts unnatural pressure that causes the disc to fail over time. When you realign the vertebrae it takes undue pressure off allowing the disc to heal.
Hand & Wrist Pain
Shoulder Pain
This type of pain can have many contributing factors. We examine all parts of the shoulder to determine if the problem is a joint, muscle, tendon, or bursa problem. Once determined, we can treat the cause of that problem.
Spinal Curvatures
The normal spine has an "S"-like curve when looking at it from the SIDE. This allows for an even distribution of weight. The "S" curve helps a healthy spine withstand all kinds of stress. A balanced spine allows your spine to last. An unbalanced spine will breakdown prematurely.
Spinal Injuries
Such as slips, falls, car accidents or any other type of trauma should be checked for spinal injury even if you aren´t in pain. Only 10% of the nervous system carries pain!
Stomach Ulcers
We will help you nutritionally as well as checking the nervous system for proper communication from your spine to your digestive system.
Lower Body
Foot Pain
Dependent on the type of foot pain, very often can stem from pressure on the nerves in the low back.
Hip Pain
Rotations in the pelvic joint will cause nerve pressure and degeneration over time. Chiropractic adjustments realign pelvic joints.
Knee Pain
Knee pain is usually related to poor mechanics or trauma. To find the cause of the problem we look at the knee but also access the low back, hip joint, and ankle joint to remove added stress on the knee.
Leg Pain / Numbness
Leg pain is often a result from problems in the low back where the vertebrae is out of its normal position and is putting pressure on the nerve. Chiropractic adjustments help to relieve the pressure on the nerve.
Sciatica Is a nerve problem resulting in pressure on the largest nerve in the body called the sciatic nerve. These symptoms include burning, stabbing, sharp pain that travels down the back of the leg. This is a common problem we treat in our office.